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Welcome to your real Munich hotel

The Hotel Prinzregent is a family business, managed and run by the owners. You will find, that we do not limit ourselves to the standard phrases, we build on the charm and character of all the people who live and work here together with us. This is how our hotel has become an inspiring place that changes a little every day, with every guest that arrives or departs. Just as you would expect in a large home that is filled with life – and in which we look forward to welcome you!

Your Christian Biermann

Our Promise: 100% honest evaluations

We thank our guests for their recommendation and are also very grateful for the fact that you are sharing your experiences with prospective customers. Your evaluations enable us to get better everyday! We are happy about praise, experiences you make in our hotel but also about
Especially important concerning that topic is the promise to our guests:
Our evaluations are 100% real and truthfully from our guests.

We say THANK YOU to all the guests who share their experiences with us and others!

Our team

A team of close to 50 women and men is working hard every day to ensure the bathrooms are sparkling clean and the rooms provided with fresh flowers. They help to organize taxis, bicycles and theatre tickets, they are familiar with the most interesting addresses for shopping and restaurants for dining, and can recommend the most scenic walks in and around Munich. They will assist and support you in the countless small and large matters that make life simpler and more pleasant.

Restaurant Der Biermann Tracht München